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How To Write The Perfect LinkedIn Summary?

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Do you use LinkedIn? There is a chance that you do and that you are looking for help on how to write the perfect LinkedIn summary. Here, we share some useful information about how to work the headline, the summary, and the message strategically.

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Importance of proper LinkedIn Summary

Did you know that by making your LinkedIn summary amazing and optimized, you may win better selection tests, improve your LinkedIn account to have better access to future employers, and be recognized by recruiters and hiring managers?

Yes, you read that correctly. The LinkedIn summary (also known as the LinkedIn bio or About Me section) is valuable real estate. Why? Well, because it is often underutilized and disregarded.

We’ll go over all you need to know about the LinkedIn Summary in this article, as well as how to write a profile summary that will make you stand out.

Here’s a quick synopsis of what we’ll be talking about:

  1. What is a LinkedIn Summary? Why is it Important to Write a Great LinkedIn Summary for Your Job Search?
  2. What is the Best Way to Write a LinkedIn Summary?
  3. Examples of LinkedIn profile summaries and why they’re useful for job seekers, career changers, and students looking for internships
  4. Tips for Writing a Linkedin Summary
  5. Now, let’s start.

What is a LinkedIn Summary?

Writing a summary for your LinkedIn profile isn’t at the top of your priority list. You’re at a loss for words. Your photo and title are sufficient to complete your profile. Something is still missing. How would a recruiter determine whether you’re a good fit? How would they know you’re superior to the rest? The text box at the top of your LinkedIn profile, referred to as the “About” area, is where you write your summary. It’s right beneath your photo. It’s a sort of open-ended place (maximum of 2,000 characters) where you describe your professional life.

The Right Way to Write a LinkedIn Summary

Be Aware of Your Audience

Create a profile tailored to the decision-makers you want to impress and influence.

That implies you must tailor your content and message to your target market. Know who they are (by name, job title, etc.), and don’t begin creating your About page until you’ve answered the following questions:

  • Do you have the information you want people to have about you?
  • Exactly what are you expecting them to do?
  • What do you want them to think of you?

When you’ve determined who your target audience is and assessed the status of your LinkedIn profile, it’s time to put together the information for your About section.

SEO strategies are required, even here

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tactics are learned by professional marketers to help Google, Sing, and other online search engines find their text. If you want to drive more traffic to your LinkedIn profile, you can use the same strategy by choosing the proper keywords.

This entails including crucial keywords in your professional headline to boost your profile’s ranking for such terms. It also entails including keywords in your job title and utilizing them properly in your synopsis. Know your aim, research which keywords are most relevant to the position you want, and be sure to include them in your profile content. When you see how many times you appeared in searches and what terms people used to locate you, you’ll know it’s working.

Talk About the Prior Experience

Mention the names of the companies or organizations where you worked, as well as your responsibilities. Try to include relevant keywords that recruiters would seek when picking applicants while writing about your experiences. You might also give an example of something you’ve done in the field you want to work in.

Write Everything Worth Mentioning

Sort the information into several categories-

Values, Achievements, Goals, What Do You Do?, and Superpowers

Once you’ve gathered all of your information, present it in the style of a short tale. showcasing your accomplishments and unique qualities that set you apart from the competition. Remember that LinkedIn only allows you to submit a summary of up to 2000 words.

Always keep in mind that for specialists in conservative or technical areas, the short and sweet summary is the best option. If you’re a lawyer, for example, you’ll want to make it simple for people to see how long you’ve been practicing law, what certifications you have, and what type of work you specialize in.

In any case, a brief overview should contain the current position, former employment (if relevant or noteworthy), and talents.

Check and Proofread

Give the summary another look once you’ve written everything down. And edit it to the point where it feels great about you. Try reading it again, this time with as much dispassion as possible. Because the writing came from your thoughts, your eyes and brain will recognize it, so force yourself to read every word.

Then pose a few simple questions to yourself:

  • Is the beginning of the text enticing you to read more?
  • Did you write it in your voice?
  • When you read that, do you recognize yourself?
  • Does it make you sound different?
  • Have you written it with your target audience in mind?
  • Is there anything there that would pique someone’s interest in learning more about you?

Have you included enough personal details to humanize you and present a fully-developed character to the audience–those details should make up about 20-30% of the content–or is it focused too much on work experience and professional skills?


In the era of technology, recruiters look for people online. People who are perfect for the job position. And LinkedIn has made it all easier. According to recent research, 50% of recruiters search for candidates based on their LinkedIn profiles. And to make your LinkedIn profile better, you can work on the summary. In this article, we have included some tried and tested techniques to help you out. Also,  these tips will help you make a strong profile. And, will surely land you suitable job opportunities.

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