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10 Proven Tips To Escape The Clutches Of Writer’s Block

10 Proven Tips To Escape The Clutches Of Writer’s Block
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We all know that writer’s block is one of the worst feelings in the world. Not only does it
make you feel unproductive, but it can also take a toll on your mental and physical health.
There is nothing worse than sitting in front of your computer screen with a blank screen and
no words coming to your mind.
But don’t worry—there are proven techniques that most online book writers use to beat
writer’s block. And the good news is that we have brought all those techniques for you here
in this blog.
So how can you get out of the clutches of this beast? Let’s find out together!

10 Prove Techniques To Overcome Writer’s Block

Coping with writer’s block is something every writer has to face, but we can all overcome it
with these 10 tips. Keep reading to know these tips!

Just Start Writing

If you’re a writer, getting out of writer’s block is often about just writing. It doesn’t matter if
your words are good or bad. It doesn’t matter if they make sense or not. All that matters is
that you keep writing. You can start with anything: an essay, a short story, poetry…whatever!
The important thing is just having something on paper and moving forward with it until you
can’t go any further.
This isn’t going to be easy and there will probably be some failures along the way (or maybe
even more than one). However, if you practice consistently over time, your brain will
eventually become accustomed to thinking about what came before rather than what comes
next in the same sentence.

Take a Break

Taking a break is an important part of the writer’s journey. It allows you to rest your mind,
recharge your batteries and get back into the flow of creativity.
But how long should you stay away from writing?
You can take as long as you need to feel refreshed and ready to write again. It could be a
few hours or days depending on how much time you’ve spent away from your desk. And
what stage of the writing process you were in. There is no right answer here. Just make sure

that when it comes time for another session of putting words on paper, there will be no
excuses for not being able to do so!

Do Something Else For A While

Don’t force yourself to write when you’re not in the mood. There is no one-size-fits-all cure
for writer’s block. But if you’re feeling stuck and can’t seem to start your writing project, try
doing something else that is more appealing to you!
Try a different activity. Maybe you want to try taking up another hobby or pursuing an
interest outside of writing (like painting). Or maybe just sit down with a pen and paper
instead of watching Netflix all day long! You don’t have to stick with these activities forever.
Just give them some time and see what happens next.

Give Yourself A Challenge

You can challenge yourself to write a short story in 10 minutes, or try writing a poem with a
different style. Or maybe you’d like to try writing from the point of view of someone who isn’t
your usual character.
A challenge is what will keep you going when writer’s block strikes. It helps give your mind
something else to focus on besides writing.

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

If you’re a writer or want to be one, then this is a good time to stop trying so hard. Nobody’s
perfect—not even the greats like Shakespeare and Hemingway.
Perfectionism creates an illusion of control over your life that can only lead to frustration and
disappointment. You may feel like you’re making progress by writing one word every day or
reaching your word count goal for each session of writing (or not). But what happens when
those goals don’t happen? What if there are days when nothing happens? Or weeks when
you wrote nothing? Or months where nothing comes easily or quickly enough to satisfy our
perfectionist expectations?
The truth is: none of us are ever going to write perfectly on demand. It just isn’t possible! We
can only do our best within the context of our own bodies and minds at any given moment in
time. And sometimes those moments will be better than others. So stop trying to be perfect,
just write and make it better with editing.

Take Inspiration From What You See, Hear, And Feel

Look at the world around you. Look at people and things with fresh eyes, that’s how we
learn. If it helps, imagine that you’re a child again. Let yourself enjoy all the wonders that are
around us every day. We don’t even notice it most of the time. So inspired by what you see,
hear, and feel.

When you feel blocked, it’s important to look at the world around you. Listen to the music of
nature and feel what’s happening inside of your body. Take time out of your day-to-day
routine and go outside. Smell flowers, feel the wind on your face, touch grass or sand
between your toes—feel everything around you. You’ll be amazed at how much inspiration is
available when we open our eyes and minds to what surrounds us every day.

Turn Off The Internet And Go Outside

One of the best ways to get rid of writer’s block is to go outside. It might seem
counterintuitive, but when you’re stuck in your head and can’t think of what to write next,
going for a walk or run can be very beneficial. The fresh air will clear your mind and help you
focus on what matters most: writing down ideas that stick with you.
If going outdoors isn’t an option where you live, there are plenty of other things that will do
the trick. Take one or two hours out of your day, even if it’s just sitting at home watching TV,
and try something new. Go swimming, biking, or running together with friends. Go on a hike
together, plan a picnic by the beach, etcetera…

Reward Yourself With Small Treats

Rewarding yourself with small treats can be a great way to beat writer’s block. Treats can be
used as rewards for accomplishing something. If you’re stuck on an idea and don’t know how
to move forward, it might help if you made yourself a small reward for getting through the
day without hitting any walls.
For example: “I’ll buy myself an ice cold coke if I write 1000 words today.” Or: “I’ll read The
Great Gatsby again tonight because I’m feeling blue.”

Read More Books And Articles On Writing

Reading is one of the best ways to help you learn new techniques and strategies for
approaching your craft. Reading will give you a better understanding of how other writers
approach their craft, as well as how they write more effectively or efficiently.
It also gives you a chance to reflect on what you’ve written and how it was written. This helps
develop your skills as a writer, which is an important step towards developing a productive
writing habit for long-term success.
Reading also helps teach us how to write better. And this is especially true if we read works
that were published earlier than our own work. Or even just writings by authors whose styles
are similar to ours (e.g., Hemingway). By reading these authors’ works closely enough so as
not only to understand but also to mimic some of their techniques, we will become better at
our own craft!
That being said, reading doesn’t have to be confined strictly to books on writing. You can
find articles online (on blogs or websites) that can help with any aspect of your writing

Write Something Totally Different Than What You Planned

If you’re stuck in a rut, it can be helpful to change things up and write about something totally
different than what you planned. Your writing process needs to be flexible enough to allow
for this kind of change without having to start from scratch.
This is especially helpful if your writer’s block is due to a lack of ideas. Try writing about
something that you know nothing about (or at least don’t usually talk about). For example:
● Write about a topic with which you have no prior experience or knowledge. Such as
cooking or gardening.
● Write about an unusual hobby or interest. Such as stamp collecting or model trains.

The Truth Is…

Writer’s block isn’t always an excuse for not writing. It could actually mean that there’s
something else going on in your life that needs attention first—like a job change or
relationship problems.
If this is the case, then putting off writing until those other things are resolved might not be
such a good idea after all. It’s better to use the above-described tips and get back to writing
as soon as possible.

Final Thoughts

Writer’s block is difficult to break through but it isn’t impossible. You may be feeling
discouraged and frustrated, but don’t give up hope! If you keep these ten tips in mind, you
will find it easier to overcome your fear of writing and start creating great content that will
make you famous.


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