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Why Should You Include a Podcast in Your Content Marketing Plan?

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Strategies play a vital role in making things happen. For instance, you can hire a writer for a book if you want people to know about you or your business. Similarly, podcasts have become a popular way for companies to connect with their audience, and for good reason. They’re easy to make, can be done in a short amount of time, and are a great way to market yourself and your brand. If you’re thinking about adding podcasts to your content marketing plan, here are some of the top reasons why you should:

1.   Podcasts Can Be Recorded in a Very Short Time

Podcasts can be recorded in a very short time. In fact, you can record a podcast episode in just 15 minutes or so. This is because there is no need for pre-show preparation and editing process, which are usually required when producing video content.

Also, recording your podcast content doesn’t have to take place at the studio or any other location where professional equipment is available. You can even record your podcast episodes while driving on your way back home from work (as long as you have a decent phone).

Another advantage of audio podcasting is that it allows you to record anywhere without any background noises or distractions—which means that if there are kids running around the house while you’re trying to record an interview with someone else who lives far away from where they both happen to live right now (i.e., over Skype), then these children will likely affect their conversation negatively because they won’t be able to hear each other properly due primarily due to noise interference caused by other household activities happening around them simultaneously (not necessarily those related directly but tangentially).

2.   Podcasts Offer valuable, Long-Form Content

You can use podcasts for valuable, long-form content. Podcasts are a great medium for sharing your expertise and experiences. A good example of this is the “Seinfeld” podcast, “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.” Jerry Seinfeld doesn’t just talk about his opinions; he shares stories from his life and career that give listeners an inside look into what made him who he is today—it’s valuable insight that you won’t find anywhere else.

While some may assume that podcasts are only appropriate for B2B companies (like those discussed above), there’s no reason why consumer brands can’t get involved as well! With so many different platforms available these days (Spotify, iTunes), it really comes down to personal preference when deciding which one works best within each case study scenario–and there certainly aren’t any rules against using them all simultaneously either.

3.   Podcasts Connect You With Your Audience

Podcasts are a great way to connect with your audience.

If you’re an expert in a certain subject, or just interested in learning more about it, podcasts are a great place to get started. They also allow you to establish yourself as an authority on that topic.

Podcasts are also an excellent way to build trust and reciprocity with your listeners. How? By providing value that they can use immediately after listening to or viewing content from you. For example, if I were launching my own podcast series on marketing automation software, I would provide links and resources in each episode so listeners could take action right away by downloading relevant white papers or purchasing products that would help them implement what they learned in the episode.

4.   A Podcast Lets You Present New Ideas, Concepts and Thoughts to the Audience

Do you know that old adage about how to catch a fly with honey? I’d like to propose a slight variation: the best way to get your audience interested in something new is by using the medium that they enjoy most. For many people, this means listening to podcasts.

Podcasts are easy to consume. Yes, there are certainly other forms of content available—articles and blog posts are still popular options—but when it comes down to it, people tend to listen over reading or watching video content because it’s easier for them and their brains prefer audio processing over visual or kinesthetic learning.

Podcasts provide opportunities for sharing ideas with other people who may not be able (or willing) otherwise; similar conversations could occur through Twitter chats but these often end up being dominated by those who feel more comfortable participating online rather than face-to-face at events such as conferences and meetups where attendees might be asked questions by speakers during Q&A periods afterwards if they don’t feel comfortable asking them beforehand via social media channels.”

5.   You Can Easily Target your niche listeners on popular podcasting platforms

You can easily target your niche listeners on popular podcasting platforms.

If you want to reach a specific audience based on their location, then some of the popular podcasting platforms have already done the work for you. They have segmented the listeners into different categories. For example, there are several types of users in the iTunes Store that fall under the “Business & Money” category. For example:

Listeners who have an interest in increasing sales for their business (e.g., Improving Your Sales Copy)

Listeners who want to learn more about improving their credit score (e.g., Credit Score Improvement Tips)

6.   You Can Provide an Audio Version of Your Already Published Article and Get Some More Traction For It

If you’ve just published an article or blog post, why not create a podcast version of it? It’s a great way to get more exposure for your content and attract new readers.

You can also use your podcast as an audio file that promotes one of your articles. You could provide information in the podcast that is not in the article itself; perhaps there was too much information to be a part of a single piece of written content. But, not enough time during the recording process to mention all of it? Or maybe there were too many technical details or references that were difficult to explain clearly through text alone? In short: any reason why an audience might want more information than what was already there by simply reading through their chosen medium (website vs blog post vs podcast) might make sense for this type of cross-promotion!

7.   A Podcast is a Great Way to Set Up Yourself as an Authority

In addition to the other benefits, a podcast is also a great way to establish yourself as an authority on the subject you are covering in your podcast. A podcast can help you by providing valuable information and value to your audience. Your goal should be to become the number one source for all things. Things related to the topic or niche of your podcast. This will take time and effort. But if you provide valuable information that people want to hear, they will come back again and again.

By establishing yourself as an authority in this manner, not only do you create more opportunities for advertising sales, but also it allows others who may not know much about what they’re talking about yet still want to get their foot in the door with their advice or opinions. You’ll have built credibility on the subject, so when someone says, “Hey!” they’ll be more likely to listen. Have you checked out my new show? I think I know what I’m doing!”

8.   It Will Help You to Build Trust and Reciprocity With Your Audience

You can build a relationship with your audience. Podcasts provide a great opportunity to connect with your audience on a more personal level. As you share your knowledge and expertise, listeners will feel like they know you better and trust you more.

With the right approach, podcasts can help you build trust in two ways:

  • By providing value for your listeners by sharing high-quality content that is relevant to them
  • By giving back to the community (i.e., guests on the show)

9.   If You Want to Market Yourself Uniquely, Then Start Creating Quality Content Via Podcasts

You don’t want to be like everyone else, do you? Of course not! You want to stand out from the crowd and be unique in your content marketing strategy. So how can you do this?

Well, podcasts are a great way for marketers to show their expertise and personality while connecting with their audience. The great thing about podcasts is that they allow marketers to reach a wider audience. In comparison to other forms of digital marketing, such as social media or blogs.

By creating quality content via podcasts, marketers can build trust and reciprocity with their audience. This will make it much easier for them when it comes time for sales conversations. Why? Customers already trust them because they’ve seen them on podcasts before – even if they never actually listened!


Podcasting is a great way to reach your audience and tell them what you want to say. If you are not too keen on writing articles, then this can be a good alternative for you. Also, it helps in marketing yourself. So if you are not starting a podcast yet, then I would suggest that you should start it as soon as possible.

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